POSVERDAD: Más Que Una Mentira

La mayor ironía de la denominada posverdad recae en su propia apelativo, al no tratarse de verdades sino más bien mentiras. Está incluso en el Diccionario de Oxford como la palabra del año, descrita de la siguiente forma: “Relativo o referido a circunstancias en las que los hechos objetivos son menos influyentes en la opinión pública que las emociones y las creencias personales”[1] . No se trata de algo que acaba de surgir recientemente, ha estado presente antaño en multiples ocaciones, pero con distinto nombre: mentira y manipulación.


Imagen sacada de: thenorwichradical.com

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A Team, A Family

Because a leader always says “we”, even when he’s saying “I”

Leaders are the first ones to step up against danger, the first ones to head into uncertainty, the first ones to volunteer… but they are also the last ones to take credit, the last one walking with the people. Leading is about sacrificing oneself, so that other people may gain. It is about putting others first. Always.


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Darwin in the Competitive Company

Only by ignorance or impertinence would we marvel to hear the extinction of other beings

It is commonly thought that the main purpose of companies is to make profit. Companies are aware that they are not alone in the market, but are instead surrounded by other companies that, with the same objective in mind, want to survive in the war for profitability. This war unleashes a search for exemplary people and economic benefits at all costs, creating in the company what Darwin in his book «The Origin of Species» called natural selection. The employees are the giraffes, and we can differentiate between the low-neck ones (the less competitive ones), and the high-necks (the most competitive ones). Natural selection (the competition) acts on them, causing small-necked giraffes to die, while those with high-necks survive. This would seem the recipe for success: enhancing competition in the company may lead to having only the most capable exemplary people surviving. But if we look at cases from well-known companies that have done this, we see the result is completely different. A company where this happens ends up being in most cases dysfunctional, because competition occupies a prime place and becomes the central axis of the company. How should leaders manage this?

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